
LOCATION:United Kingdom
Lickd is a micro-licensing service that allows YouTube content creators to license music from Lickd for the purpose of including licensed music in non-commercial, non-branded videos that they create and upload to YouTube.
A Lickd license enables the end user that purchased the license to use the licensed track in a single video on YouTube. Once the video is uploaded to YouTube, Lickd uses its “VOUCH” software to verify that a license is in place, in which case it will release the “claim” to that track in the relevant rightsholder’s YouTube content management system. The user is then able to “monetise” the video on YouTube. If VOUCH does not verify that a license is in place, the right holder’s claim will not be released and the default policy set on the “VOUCH – route for review” asset policy will apply.
In order for Lickd to use its VOUCH software, Participating Members are required to grant Lickd API access to their YouTube content management system (CMS). Such access is granted for the sole purpose of Lickd verifying whether a Lickd Licence is in place in respect of a track and accordingly releasing the claim to that track.
Please see the section above in the Initial Integration Instructions to integrate the VOUCH API into your YouTube Content Manager.
Participating Members can decide which tracks they wish to deliver to Lickd. Lickd will make all delivered tracks available via the Lickd Service promptly after delivery or on the retail release date (if later), unless otherwise designated by the relevant Participating Member and provided that Lickd has obtained worldwide third party clearances required to make the track available, and once the VOUCH API has been integrated and “route for review” policy has been set.
Lickd will use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain all publishing rights required to make Participating Member tracks available via the Lickd Service.