Social Marketing
OBJECTIVE: Design a comprehensive and integrated social network infrastructure that will facilitate brand engagement and growth.Because let’s be honest… if you have time to manage your own social network… you’re not working. Let us do that for youso that you have more time to do what you do.
BUILD assemble and streamline
Establish groundwork for properties at key social networks. Ensure all properties are updated with current information, images, branding, andcross-promoting each other. Customize the design on your socialnetworks with provided assets.
VERIFY authenticate and consolidate
Claim infringed identities and consolidate URL’s so your fans know it is the real you, making it easy to findyou on all social networks as well assearch engines.
MONITOR shape interaction and coach
Track activity on social networks, reactby removing any spam and interact toensure artist-to-fan connection.Provide consultation on best methodsand improvements to artist interactions that will ensure growthand engagement in key metrics.
DISTRIBUTE maximize supplied content
Maximize content by strategically placing onto priority platforms and utilizing key engagement tools such aslike’s, comments, photo tagging, views, subscribers, etc., while exploring possibilities to leverage social actions by fans.
GROW expand social reach
Utilize a proven, strategic social approach of respectful techniques togrow users on each social network, enabling you to market your brand and product for the foreseeable future.
COACH game plan and consultation
From creative direction to mind mapping, we’ll be your springboard with a conscious. Maximize your efforts bycomplimenting established product release schedule and marketing outline. Help you stay abreast of new technology and trends potentially helpful for yourbrand. Also train you on how to use thetechnology and give you the best practices to follow.
EVALUATE align efforts and measure results
Weekly statistical snapshot andreports alongside bi-weekly conference call providing results and clarity on our efforts.
PORTRAY boost visual weight
Video editing that will enhance your smartphone, webcam, or personalcam-corder videos. Increase spread-ability and effectiveness byincluding relevant messaging, audioimaging, or motion graphics.
DEVELOP tailor-made applications
Build a dynamic Facebook application that requiring social actions such as like or share in exchange for unlocking an incentive. Incentives can include, but are not limited to a download,stream, discount code, or video.